...the Life and Times of Karolyn Lewis.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hey good lookin'! Whatcha got cookin'?

We've all seen it on facebook... the what I'm cooking for dinner post:  "Stuffed chicken, home made garlic potatoes, steamed broccoli, yeast rolls, and made from scratch better than you know what chocolate brownie delight.  Mmm mmm good!"  You know what I'm talking about.  I'll bet you a whole dollar you can find a similar post tonight on your News Feed.  

A friend of mine brought this to my attention a few weeks back.  Her theory? Dinner posters don't cook any more than she does; and when they do wade through the mess of their kitchens to find their stoves, they are so proud of themselves that they post it on facebook.  Whether there's any truth in that or not, I don't know; but it cracked me up for sure!  

In related news, I read the book Living Rich by Spending Smart by Gregory Karp (free on Amazon at time of download).  In the plethora of money saving advice, he states that eating out is only acceptable if it's NOT the result of poor meal planning.  Meaning: eat out because you want to, not because your lazy butt doesn't feel like going to Publix.
All that being said, I've decided to blog about dinner 'round here.  It's more of an accountability thing, if you must know.  For the last several weeks, I've consistently cooked 3 or 4 nights a week-- a huge improvement.   We eat together every night and we're not eating out.  I often plan for leftovers.  Love me some leftovers.  

Can I get on a soap box for a minute? If you're anti Soap Box skip to the next paragraph.  If you won't eat leftovers...  shame on you!  Seriously.  Shame on you!  Visit a starving, third world country where people are dying-- yes DYING-- from hunger and then turn your nose up at yesterday's lasagna and green beans?  It is shameful, indeed.  (I'll step down now, thank you very much.)

Well I feel better, now, how about you?  Glad to get that off my chest.  Let's get back to the land of Happy!

In the future, expect weekly posts about the Lewis' evening meals with lots of pictures.  You won't see a lot of glam or anything majorly impressive. Trust me, nothing fancy or worth any praise.  I try to keep dinner simple, tasty, and relatively healthy.  Maybe you'll be inspired to blog about your own evening meals if you are already a practicing cook.  If not, maybe you'll be inspired to dust off the ol' stove and eat something at home.  And whether or not you post it on Facebook?  That's completely up to you!  Happy cooking!!


  1. We've gotten into a bad habit of eating out more this summer. I'm ready to get back into the routine of the school year so hopefully we'll be better!

  2. Hi Karolyn,

    It's Tonja Guilford here and I cook every night and we take left overs to work. My dad would not eat left overs when I was growing up and I thought he was crazy! Nothing better than cold chicken the next day! When Don was a contractor he would spend 100 + a week on eating out and now it is a rare and special treat when we do. We save lots of money by eating left overs for lunch! Love you girlfriend! Send me a message on Facebook with your home address - Don and I are writing letters through snail mail and you are on my list to write to and your kiddo's!! love you! T
