My kids were finally introduced to Public School at the end of last school year. Until then, I've either home-schooled or they've gone to private. Why the change? Well, we're in a recession and private school ain't free; and I pretty much stink at home-schooling; and I don't want my kids to grow up stupid. So there ya go. Public School!
We've been waiting for the ball to drop and our kids to come home corrupt. We knew it would happen eventually... the cocoon I've wrapped them tightly into will one day start to crack and open and all the evils of the world will be made known. If you say I've kept my kids too sheltered and over-protected, I'll consider that a great compliment and hug you-- seriously, I will (unless you're not a hugger and then I'll give you a high 5!). Anyway, we knew it would happen one day...
Zeb, my super-cool 5th grader, came home from school the other day and our conversation went like this:
Zeb: I had a cupcake today.
Me: Really? Who's birthday?
Zeb: Tyler's.
Me: Was it good.
Zeb: Yes, mam. It was a mini-cupcake.
Me: How many did you eat?
Zeb: Oh, we just got one.
Me: Hmph, that's kinda cheap.
(OK, so I should have kept that one to myself, I know, but I don't think I was the only one who thought this. Keep reading...)
Zeb: Oh, Mama, someone cussed Tyler today. The birthday Tyler.
Me: Really? What'd they say?
Zeb: Well I didn't hear it, but it was the F-word.
Me: WHAT?!! They said WHAT?!!
Zeb: They said the f-word.
Me: Tell me-- NO!- spell me the f-word.
Zeb: Oh, mama, it's the f-word: H-E-L-L.
Me: (Huge exhale) Wouldn't that be the H word?
Zeb: Mama, each letter of the alphabet has a bad word assigned to it. And I can't keep them all straight, but I'm pretty sure the f word is H-E-L-L.
Me: Ok, well, from now on, let's just call that the H word, seeing that it starts with an H.
You know, I'm glad to know that his cocoon is still somewhat in tact. After all, I was in 3rd grade when I discovered what the f word was (and in case you're in the dark, it's not H-E-L-L). Third Grade!! That's awfully young to know such an awful word. I went to a k-12 school in Alabama. One night, a couple of kids-and-cans-of-spray-paint decorated the campus and gave us all an education. Innocence lost, just like that!
When my kids finally emerge from their cocoons, and I know they will, my earnest prayer is that they rise above. I'm praying that as they look down on the corruption, they will not allow themselves to be tainted by it. I'm praying they'll choose good over bad, right over wrong, life over death, love over hate, and holiness over sin. I'm praying they'll make good decisions and that they'll purpose in their hearts to honor God.
I'll leave you with a verse I've prayed many times...
All your sons will be taught by the LORD, and great will be your children's peace.
Isaiah 54:13
Father, Thank you for my children! Bless them in their innocence. Continue to protect and guard their little hearts and minds. Teach them and increase their peace. Amen and Amen!